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energy-saving equipment中文是什么意思

用"energy-saving equipment"造句"energy-saving equipment"怎么读"energy-saving equipment" in a sentence


  • 节能设备


  • Energy - saving equipment installation - including t5 or t8 fluorescent tubes , electronic ballasts , variable speed drives for air - conditioning systems , occupancy sensors that automatically turn off air - conditioning when the room is empty , and energy - efficient office equipment
    (乙)装设节能设备例如: t5或t8光管、电子镇流器、用于冷气系统的可变速推动器、动态感应器作为冷气控制开关、及采用节能的办公室设备等。
  • Projects of alumina , alumina product processing and new building materials , cement clinker dry - process winding kiln production line with a daily capacity of over 5 , 000tons , special mechanical and electrical equipment , environmental protection and energy - saving equipment , medical equipment , rare earth materials and application , and machine building
  • As a new type of energy - saving equipment , the tubular heat exchanger with longitudinal flow of the shellside fluid ( thelfsf ) has many remarkable advantages . it betters anti - vibration and anti - smudge performance , enhances heat transfer efficiency , and decreases the shellside pressure loss . it also prolongs service lifetime , reduces the weight and saves material
    新型纵流壳程换热设备作为一种新一代节能降耗设备,具有优良的防流体诱导振动性能、传热性能好、传热效率高、流体流动阻力小、抗结垢能力强、重量轻等优点,是郑州大学“热能工程研究中心”专利产品,为了加快该设备的推广, “中心”研发了hecad软件系统,实现了新型换热设备工艺设计、机械设计、零部件,图及总装图绘制一体的cad软件化。
  • The characteristics of the equipment are the simpleness of flow , the reasonability of refrigeration fashion , the choice of energy - saving equipments , the security and credibility of equipments - running , the simplenese and applicability of auto - controlled instruments , skid mounted unit and the smallness of occupied area . the disposal ability of natural gas , the quality and yield of product mounted to the design index , meanwhile , and gain the outstanding the economical efficient and social efficient
  • Its main function is to complete heat exchange in technological process and reuse remaining heat , and its quality plays an important role in the investment in industrial process , power consumption and safe economic operation etc . as a new energy - saving equipment , the tubular heat exchanger with longitudinal flow of the shellside fluid ( thelfsf ) has many remarkable advantages
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